Going forward into 2009
Posted by JVJ @ 7:50 pm
Dec 30th : 2008
It’s the second-to-last day of 2008. A mixed year. Sometimes good, sometimes sad. I wish you much happiness and joy in 2009. To start it off below you’ll find some of the final entries in
the Big Contest. I hope they make you smile. Most of them made me laugh with delight. We have more installments of Angela's and Sylvia's The Booknapping and other wonderful (and sometimes inexplicable) things. Be sure to check out the flickr link to you right to view all the entries.
Happy Holidays!
Posted by JVJ @ 12:07 pm
Dec 24th : 2008
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Bountiful Kwanzaa and a terrific holiday season to all. It's been a busy year at jvj.com and I'm thoughtful as the year comes to a close. Many people have asked how Book IV, Watcher of the Dead, is coming along. It's not finished yet, but not much longer. I can't shake the irrational idea that it's bad luck to talk about a book before it's finished so I'll say no more.
The Big Contest has been a source of joy and delight for me and Paul. For two months I've awakened every morning to treasures in my inbox. Thank you for taking part. We'll be announcing the winners in the New Year. Some time over the holidays I'll post all the entries on flickr so you can take a look at the complete field. Below you'll find the latest entries in continuing saga of The Booknapping. An arch-villain lurks in the palm fronds. Could that be a familiar face?
Have a wonderful week, take care of yourselves and your families. Love, JV. XXX
Put me out of my Holiday misery
Posted by Biggie @ 11:09 am
Dec 22nd : 2008
This is kitteh with excess crunchies
Posted by Biggie @ 9:25 am
Dec 19th : 2008
This kitteh is named Scratch and lives with Di and family.
Snuck under Biggie's radar
Posted by JVJ @ 1:23 pm
Dec 17th : 2008
Are you sitting comfortably?
Posted by JVJ @ 10:36 am
Dec 15th : 2008
This is the lovely Honey, sent in by Fifi.
The Booknapping: Parts 7 and 8
Posted by JVJ @ 11:50 am
Dec 14th : 2008
Today's Brain Teaser
Posted by JVJ @ 10:44 am
Dec 11th : 2008
Day 105: What's a kitteh got to do around here
Posted by Biggie @ 6:32 am
Dec 10th : 2008
This is photo of Biggie, not some other kitteh named Freeway.
My money's on the little girl
Posted by JVJ @ 8:05 am
Dec 9th : 2008
Another wonderful Big Contest photo from Di.
Sword washes ashore
Posted by JVJ @ 1:14 pm
Dec 8th : 2008
After being swept overboard on an ocean liner, Sword floated raft-like across the Pacific for seven days and seven nights. On the eighth day Sword awoke in a strange land, washed up on the shore by a high tide. It was not alone. Thirteen seagulls surrounded it. Friendly or hostile? It was hard to tell.
Thanks to Di for sending us this most splendid entry for The Big Contest.
Vampires, we got them
Posted by JVJ @ 10:56 pm
Dec 7th : 2008
The Booknapping: Parts 5 and 6
Posted by JVJ @ 5:12 pm
Dec 6th : 2008
A letter arrives the next day in the post. Sword is being held hostage. The ransom? Five pounds of crunchies. Marley doesn't have five pounds of crunchies...but she sure loves that book. What's a kitteh to do?
This should make Mum happy
Posted by JVJ @ 7:43 pm
Dec 5th : 2008
She spent twenty-five years behind the bar, serving ale. There's a good chance she served some of these. Thanks to Dave, who took this beauty at the lodge in Yosemite.
Style, we has it
Posted by JVJ @ 7:12 pm
Dec 4th : 2008
Here's Kay's entry for the Big Contest, proving that we have splendidly stylish visitors to jvj. And talking of style, thanks to Paul, AKA Santa's Helper, for tacking up the decorations. We're looking pretty festive, don't you think?
Sword takes a vacation
Posted by JVJ @ 8:24 pm
Dec 3rd : 2008
Where's a book set in extreme northern climes to go on its vacation? Why Yosemite, of course. Giant sequoias, waterfalls, bears, granite domes: it's a home away from home. Sword spent several days enjoying the National Park, hiking the trails, exploring the backroads, rock climbing and having ice-cold beers in the lodge after a long day. Sword's trusty travel guide was Dave, who bravely followed Sword into the wilderness, camera at the ready.
Honey, does this look done?
Posted by JVJ @ 11:02 am
Dec 2nd : 2008
To kick start December’s leg of the Big Contest, here’s my latest entry (we established earlier I can enter my own contest but Paul, as co-judge, warns that I’ve got “no chance in hell of winning”). As you can see, I’m cooking in Southern California while wearing a wool kilt. I was very hot. I think I deserve the sympathy vote.
Below you’ll find the latest entries from Angela and Sylvia, who are telling us the story of the Booknapping in installments. No animals were harmed in the making of this series, though some were made to wear goofy outfits.
It's all gravy
Posted by JVJ @ 10:52 am
Dec 1st : 2008
Here I am at Thanksgiving, furiously whisking the gravy. I'm not a big fan of light-colored gravies so I always use gravy browning and red wine to darken the juices. So to answer your questions: Yes, that is turkey gravy and no, you don't have to adjust your monitor.
We had lots of fantastic entries last month for the Big Contest. If you're thinking about entering but are hovering on the fence--go ahead. We have low expectations. We'll be nice to you. To refresh your memory we're reposting the original Big Contest post. Remember, you don't have to be in the photo--snap a shot of the book on location instead. Or with a pet, or going for a drive, or cooking it's favorite dish...you get the idea. To view the competition follow the flickr link to your right.
The Big Contest
Posted by JVJ @ 9:45 am
Dec 1st : 2008
Here it is, the chance to win all sorts of goodies: a complete set of signed J.V. Jones books (seven and counting), artwork, cover flats, collectible (and extremely rare) galley copies, etc. You get the idea: extremely cool prizes will be given. All you have to do is take a photo of yourself and A Sword From Red Ice. Mug it up for the camera, dress up, dress down, use experimental media, commandeer family and friends, get outside, stay inside, reenact a scene from the book, eat a sandwich, go on location to the bookstore or the woods. If you're nervous about showing a photo of yourself, take a photo of the book doing something instead. Whatever you do: Take a photo. Then send that photo here. We'll post it on the website, everyone can have their say, and may the best photo win.
This most excellent contest comes with very few rules. Anyone, anywhere can enter, using any edition of SWORD (UK/US/paperback/hardback etc). You can enter as many times as you like. Send photos in jpeg format. Be aware that they may be published on this site. All entries should be received by December 31st. Although feedback will be taken into consideration the final decision rests in the hands of the judges (Paul and me). Judges cannot be swayed by bribery. Honest.