A Cavern Of Black Ice English edition. The folks at Little Brown (my English publisher) decided to go with the wonderful American cover art painted by Greg Call.
This is the new US cover art to Barbed Coil. This cover will be featured on the US mass paperback edition of Barbed Coil, to be published in April 99.
A Cavern Of Black Ice US edition, Warner Aspect. Even though both my US and UK publisher used the same cover art, they have different ways of dealing with the title and text
Here is the Dutch cover to Book III in the Book Of Words series (Master & Fool, to you!). I really like the covers done by Meulenhoff-M, my Dutch publisher.
Master & Fool, German edition. This is the only book in the series where Bastei Lubbe, my German publisher, used the US cover art. I think Darrell Sweet's painting was just too good to pass up.
The Baker's Boy, Russian edition. Many thanks to Bek Dpakoha, my Russian publisher, for providing this nifty cover. You probably can't see it in this small version, but that shady figure in the background is Baralis.
Here is the Polish edition of The Baker's Boy. Many thanks to Zsyk KA, my Polish publisher. I'm really pleased they decided to go with the original US cover art.
And here is the infamous English edition of The Baker's Boy, where Melli inexplicably takes a hike! I should be grateful for the omission as I got quite a bit of html mileage out of it! (-:
Last but not least is the US edition of A Man Betrayed. I love this cover! The waterfall in the background was Darrell's idea. In fact the whole setting is straight from Darrell Sweet's imagination, as the scene depicted is only described in the barest details in the book.
I think I've scanned enough for now! I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the various foreign editions of my books. I think they're wonderful and interesting (though I admit I may be biased!). People always ask me how non-English speaking countries deal with character names. For the most part translators use the original character names, and I'm happy to report that Bodger & Grift retain their names in Polish, German and Dutch!
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