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Book Tour (Cont)

Nell and Gregory J. Keyes

This photo was taken at the University Bookstore in Seattle. The people pictured are writer Gregory J. Keyes (author of the excellent Waterborn & The Black God) and his lovely wife Nell. I was delighted and surprised when they turned up, and we had a great time on a rainy night.

At the time this photo was taken LisaMarie (the delightful dark-haired lady above) was getting ready to spend ten days in the wilderness! I hope she had a great time and is now safely home.

Mysterious Galaxy

This photo was taken in Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego. I paid these people to laugh at my jokes!

Okay. Here's me again, doing my best to pioneer subliminal advertising on the internet. No prizes for deciphering what I wrote. However, if you're overcome with a sudden desire to run to your local bookstore, I need to know. There could be mileage in this! (-:

JV Book

This photo rounds up this year's set. Here I am at the 32nd Street Naval Base in San Diego. Everyone was as friendly as could be. As you can, see I'm giving the enlisted navy seaman a few tips on basic naval attack maneuvers!

Well that's all for this year. Thanks for taking the time to look at my few humble photos.

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