Hello, my little
Sweetmeats, Tavalisk here. These following Cooking With
Tavalisk Pages have been available for some time in Adobe
Acrobat format, but my network of spies and informants tell
me that few people have actually downloaded them as such!
The cheek! I went to all that trouble (well Gamil did
actually, but that's beside the point), putting great time
and effort into a single, definitive document, and Adobe
didn't even bother to send me any free food for my trouble.
Not even a basket of fruit! Henceforth all acrobats will be
banned for the Archbishop's Palace in Rorn.
Now, Gamil has slaved over a hot
HTML editor for five days and five nights to bring you a
networthy version of Cooking. You'll be pleased to know he's
recovering nicely from having his fingers forcibly jammed in
the SCSI port, and his eyeballs held open with toothpicks
while a Hewlett Packard ScanJet scanned his retinas (he says
the most unfortunate part of not being able to see clearly
for the past few days has been that he cannot gaze
admiringly at yours truly. I can only imagine the mental
Go forth: Cook, Eat,
Terrorize Your Food.