I've busy working on the new book this week. It doesn't have a title yet, but I'm considering breaking with tradition. 'Something of
Something Ice' has been the model for the past three books; it might be time for a change.

If you are considering setting up a writers group, the first thing to do is
decide what you and the other members hope to gain from the meetings. It
might be that camaraderie and networking are the goal; writers chewing the
fat with other writers. This can be every bit as valuable as critiquing one
another's work. It gets you out of the house for one thing (never
underestimate this as a benefit; writers spend too much time indoors). It
also gives you the opportunity to be part of a community. Talk to other
writers and you'll soon learn that the difficulties they encounter are
similar to your own. Motivation, self doubt, writers block and time
management are problems that most of us deal with at some point. Simply to
hear that you're not the only having these problems helps. So it's
definitely not a bad thing to have a group where members support one
another by sharing experiences and chatting over coffee. It's a good
antidote to isolation.