Dictionaries define the word edit as "to prepare for publication" and "to
cut or eliminate". In order to edit one's own work one must learn to do
both. The cut or eliminate part can be difficult for beginning writers as
we worked so hard over our choice of words; lovingly cataloging all the
details of a scene, providing vignettes to disclose our characters back
stories, sweating the sentence structure, honing our verbs. It can be very
difficult to look dispassionately at our work and ask, "How much of what
I’ve written is vital to the story?"

Time and experience helps, but few writers are ever their best editors.
That's why it's a separate profession. We need them. We can and should
learn how to edit our work however, even if it's an imperfect edit. Most
beginning writers overwrite their scenes. Too many details, side stories,
clauses, adjectives, words. A good exercise to begin with is to look at
something you’ve written in the past (the older the better) and see how
many words you can cut out and still leave the sense of the story/scene.
For example: "John was a big man, carrying an extra hundred pounds" could
be reduced to "John was fat." Or "That morning they left the house at ten
and drove the two hours to San Diego" could become, "They arrived in San
Diego at noon." The important thing is to start making judgments about what
should and shouldn't be included in the finished work. One of the
hardest--and most essential--skills for writers to develop is knowing when
to hit DELETE.